Doctor Martin Visits Mercy House
Angolan Doctor Martin Kalenga was studying medicine in the DRC, when, in his 3rd year, in 1995, he was forced to flee from war. There were no facilities for refugees at that time in South Africa and on their arrival, they had no choice but to stay in a disused mining village which had become a squatter camp (and still is today), called Angelo. Buildings were in a state of collapse, no windows, water or electricity and all sorts of violence, drunkenness and other undesirable behaviour being common. It was very tough indeed for the young refugees. Martin slept in one of the former compound rooms, where they all slept on concrete slabs. Even rats climbed over them at night! They put up cardboard around their bay for privacy.
Diana read about the arrival of the refugees, and wanted to help. She found the place and began taking food there regularly as well as teaching English. It was there that she met Martin and assisted him to get a bursary from the United Nations to do a medical doctor’s degree, which was the dream of his lifetime. He is in fact the ONLY refugee around now who moved into our first Mercy House with 5 others.
We are hugely proud of our Martin, who today is a specialist gynecologist, with his own practice in Pretoria. Martin never gave up, his resilience and determination being remarkable. He even used to sell shoes and bags at weekends on the pavements in Pretoria while studying to get to his goal.
Imagine the joy for Martin, this Easter Sunday, when he came to visit Mercy House for the first time since those very early days. He could hardly believe what he saw, and was able to show his wife and 3 children, where he had come from, through the photos lining our walls. We were absolutely delighted to have Martin with us, and thank him for his loyal support. He is one of our Mercy House miracles!